They do not Call them Growing Tickles…
Any change means discomfort, adjustment, and at times pain.
Taking that life-long journey is a series of baby-steps that will lead to growth - Growing Pains.
Once a week or so, we will post a quote that has touched us. We will stick the quote somewhere on the website. Please look around and see if you find it, then endulge yourself for a moment, to process whether it has meaning for you as well.
Digging deep and knowing in your soul your “truth” and what that looks like is the CORE of defining who you are.
What in the world is a Zoe?
Sorry, Not Sorry!
Mental Health bootcamp is only for those who are willing to work harder than the therapist.
Da Wag Factor
community, Village, family, tribe, …. Pack?
Workshops - You work - I shop?
A series of mini-workshops designed to inspire growth within self and your relationships.
Mocha Mynx & Zoe Love/Hate book list
Actually, this is not so much a list of approved readings, as much it is a list of books whose message had that ah-hah or just made me go Hmmmmm.